Characterized Zebrafish Strains
Disease specific strains to build accurate models; To ensure intervention methods replicate desired biology
WT Wild Type

WT also called as wild caught and lab adapted. These strains bring a wide range of genetic diversity and are suitable to replicate large scale screening where the efficacy of a compound in a diverse population may be evaluated. Diversity includes behavioural and physiological response. PWT strains are also robust and their tolerance for toxicity is higher than other strains making them ideal for safety evaluation translation to healthy volunteer studies. They can also be used for viral gene transfer studies with high tolerance for foreign protein expression and liver edema. They carry a diverse range of cell surface receptors making them preferable for ligand based studies where cell surface antigens are responsible for internalization of drug delivery vehicles.
T36 Thymus Impaired

T36 is a thymus impaired strain characterized at Pentagrit therefore carries an impaired innate immunity. The strain has low neutrophil count with a slow acting complement system with insufficient NK cells making the fish naturally immuno compromised. The strain has a high tolerance for cross species graft allowing long term survival of human immune cells. This enables the study of autoimmune diseases, host-viral relationships, tumour biology and regeneration after trauma or graft.
Ob42MC4R(G894C) Naturally Obese

Ob42(G894C) are naturally obese strains with inborn mutation in melanocortin-4 receptor making. Their phenotype characteristics show severe hyperphagia with obesity into early adulthood/ juvenile stage. Ob42(G894C) strains show high level of dyslipidaemias with elevated serum LDL and cholesterol with marked intestinal inflammation. They are also susceptible to kidney fibrosis and inherited liver steatohepatitis by 6-8 months. This strain is fitting to study metabolic dysfunction, liver and kidney failure.
Sen57wrn-/-ND6-/+ Early Aging

Sen57wrn-/-ND6-/+ are early aging strains with mutation in the WRN gene and the ND6 gene that is involved in mitochondrial respiratory complex. The strain displays early muscle wastage, and sarcopenia with high levels of ROS, optic neuropathy with loss of visual acuity, with associated dysregulation of NF-κB , JAK/STAT , MAPK and PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway that show baseline deviation in gene expression. This makes the strain ideal to study neuroinflammation and tumor. Xenografted tumor in this strain progresses almost twice the rate than that of other strains reaching metastasis earlier.
HR66 Humoral Response

HR66 strain is tolerance to a wide variety of drugs showing relatively lesser deviation in plasma volume by drugs that may have effect on them. The strains can tolerate repeated dorsal aorta withdrawal of blood and grow at a uniform size providing highly comparable data among study groups. The large volume of serum makes it favorable for antibody studies, to study immunogenicity, vaccine effects and also serum kinetics.